Lliçà d’Amunt

Lliçà d'Amunt, located in the Vallès Oriental (27 km from Barcelona), is a town surrounded by nature with fields and forests that has a soft orography, with valleys and hills facing from north to south that are related to waterways and that define a pleasant agricultural and forest landscape with the picturesque Cingles del Bertí and Montseny as a backdrop.

Lliçà d'Amunt, with 16,500 inhabitants, is an extensive village, of about 22 square kilometers, formed by an urban center and 17 neighborhoods scattered throughout the territory, with typology of single-family houses.

The town has a network of rural and forest paths with defined routes and itineraries where you can go on foot, by bicycle or on horseback, enjoying nature. The local architectural heritage consists of churches, hermitages, farmhouses and manor and stately homes.

Descriptive video of the town: https://youtu.be/ZJy_RGxFuCQ

Filming request contact

Eva Muñoz

Head of Culture and Citizen Participation

+34 93 841 52 25 ext. 245 / +34 666 564 963


