
In this section you’ll find different documents for downloading that can be useful:

Annual reports: shooting data

Summary of the last years’ film activity of Barcelona and Catalonia.

List of recommendations and limitations

Here you will find a list of limitations and recommendations to take into account to prepare your shoot. This list will be periodically updated.
We recommend that you take them into account not only on requesting the occupation permits but also on choosing your locations.
What now appears as a recommendation may become a limitation if the level of impacts is not minimized. Complying with these recommendations and limitations does not mean that your requests are automatically authorized; as you know, each request is assessed individually and many more aspects are taken into account.


Download our logos so you can put them in your final credits.

Other shooting permit forms

​Cinema and tax incentives

Personal Image Rights

Find some model release examples:

Image Rights of the buildings and art works on public zones

Collective Agreements

  • Collective agreement of the audiovisual production industry (technicians)
    Regulates labour relations between audiovisual production companies with technicians in productions whose primary exploitation is: their exploitation in cinemas, their exploitation in cinemas-low budget or its diffusion through a television System.
    Salary tables 2017 (the last one published)
  • Collective agreement of the audiovisual production industry (figuration)
    Regulates labour relations between audiovisual production companies and extras that provide their services to them. Films where people appear as interviewees, guests and the public, are excluded, as well as the work done for short films.
    Salary tables 2018 (the last one published)
  • III Collective agreement of the audiovisual production industry (actors)
    Regulates labour relations between audiovisual production companies and actors (including advertising) that provide their services to them. Services made for short films are excluded.
    Salary tables 2017 (the last one published)​
  • Collective agreement of the publicity companies sector
    Regulates work relationships in companies that develop activities defined as publicity (art. 2 Law 34/1988, 11 of November “General de Publicidad” or rule to replace it)
    Salary tables 2018 (the last one published)


ICUB - Measures to implement Covid-19. Descaling Phase 1 (Catalan/Spanish Version)

ICAA - Guía de buenas practicas de medidas especiales para la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales del Sector Audiovisual (Versión 6 14/05/20) (Spanish Version)

Sample of the Statement of Responsability

LAAB 2019

You can check here the LAAB's page. LAAB is a laboratory for the adaptation of literary works edited and PUBLISHED by the audiovisual sector linked to the city of Barcelona promoted by the Institute of Culture of the Barcelona City Council through the Barcelona Film Commission.

Cineposium 2015