'Two families of Wen Zhou' shot in Barcelona


Third season of this Chinese series

Pan Xiaoyong is about to succeed his mother as director of the Spanish headquarters of Pan's Catering Grup in Barcelona. His cousin Ye Zifan goes to the city to congratulate him and participate in the succession ceremony. However, Pan Xiaoyong flees overwhelmed by responsibility. Ye Zifan understands him perfectly, he also doubted whether to continue with his father's business. Both decide to leave and, on their way, they will save a woman also from Wenzhou named Zeng Zhiqiu who left China with her foreign husband.

In their swings by personal and family matters, the protagonists will be at places in Barcelona like: Arc de Triomf, Passeig de Gràcia, Plaça de la Catedral, via Layetana and Plaça España as seen from the MNAC. Two families of Wen Zhou is directed by Su Zhou and is the third season of this Chinese series that will premiere in May 2019 on CCTV 1 channel.

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