'Sis nits d'agost' shoots in Barcelona


New film by Ventura Durall

This TV movie is directed by Durall and with a script by Durall himself and Jordi Lara, the author of the homonymous book. Manel Barceló puts himself in the shoes of Lluís Maria Xirinacs, accompanied by Anna Alarcón, Marta Marco, Neus Ballbé, Quimet Pla, Carles Martínez, Xavier Soler, Cesca Piñon and Gonzalo Cunill.

Durall explains how Lluís Maria Xirinacs, a religious philosopher and political activist, leaves Barcelona on a Monday in August 2007 on his way to the mountains. It was his seventy-fifth birthday. Six days later, a mushroom picker finds him in a meadow dead. Sis nits d'agost is the story of a beloved, unique and mysterious death. It talks about the revelation of how he prepared carefully for his death and how it affected so many people. And it explains the adventure of a writer to find out the ultimate meaning of an action like this to find answers about herself. The film is being shot in spaces in Barcelona, Ripoll, and Ogassa, among others. And it is a Mallerich Films and Nanouk Films production in co-production with TV3 and with the support of the ICEC.