Second season of 'Perfect Life' begins filming


The premiere will be in 2021

The series created, directed, and starring Leticia Dolera has started filming its second season during September in Barcelona. In this second season, Perfect Life once again asks us how we manage our expectations about what our life is in the key of a dramatic comedy. María, Cris, and Esther will once again be surprised by fears and longings about love, the couple, motherhood, or family. And, when you least expect it, life turns around again.

Leticia Dolera signs the script with Manuel Burque. The direction of this season will be in charge of Dolera herself, Lucía Alemany, and Irene Moray. Leticia Dolera, Celia Freijeiro, and Aixa Villagrán play the leading female trio. Enric Auquer, Goya award for the best new actor in 2020 and recognized with the Feroz Award for the best supporting actor for his portrayal of Gari in the series, repeats his character this season.

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