The BFC again at the Berlinale


The Barcelona Film Commission, present at the European Film Market

This February we have travelled to Berlin, to participate in the European Film Market and in several meetings of the EUFCN - European Film Commissions Network, which have been held in the framework of the Berlinale. One of the EUFCN talks was within the Global Filmmaking at Berlinale about the film "Who Will Write our History" which talks about the Warsaw ghetto and the Oyneg Shabes archives. With Roberta Grossman, director of the film, Anna Rozalska, producer; Monika Glowacka, from the Łódź Film Commission; Katja Wildemuth, executive producer and Pavlina Zipkova, of the Czech Film Commission and US Line Producer of the film as moderator. We assisted too to the panel "How to build a stringer and succesful communication strategy".

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EUFCN Online Training Sessions on Green Filming

IT'S GREEN OR NEVER: Essentials for Film Commissioners

NÚRIA VIDAL: "The review must be subjective and those who read you must know that they can trust what you write even if they don’t agree with it."

This month we interviewed the film critic Núria Vidal who has been in the profession since 1984. She has worked with La VanguardiaFotogramas, Cinema 3 and Time Out