Updated: 09/26/2024
Sant Cugat del Vallès
Sant Cugat del Vallès
Marta de Castro
Ajuntament de Sant Cugat | Cultura, Coneixement i Promoció de la ciutat
+34 93 675 99 51/ +34 627 437 990 / Ext. 2891/4190
The municipality of Sant Cugat has 8 tunnels or riverside boxes. They are unique spaces and ideal for shootings that require an industrial, mysterious or subterranean aesthetic. Some of the tunnels are located in the city center, near the City Hall, while others are in more remote areas, offering greater privacy and logistical flexibility. With varying degrees of natural lighting and easy access for production teams, these spaces are a versatile option for various creative needs.
*To find out the specific locations get in touch with: martadecastro@santcugat.cat