Sant Boi de Llobregat

Located in Baix Llobregat County, 10 km from Barcelona, Sant Boi offers many attractive sites ideal for filming audiovisual productions. In Sant Boi, the services and infrastructure normally associated with a large metropolitan city are found side-by-side with a historic town centre with a medieval street layout, superb Roman baths, the farmhouse where the Catalan hero Rafael Casanova spent his last years and the baroque architecture of the Church of Sant Baldiri. Sant Boi also boasts magnificent natural surroundings; indeed, more than half the municipal borough is occupied by forest and farming land. Mount Sant Ramon is home to a diversity of landscapes, as well as commanding magnificent panoramic views over the Llobregat Delta and the city of Barcelona from the chapel esplanade. Moreover, Muntanyeta Park, in the very centre of Sant Boi, is the town's green lung, whilst the Fluvial and Agrari parks complete the local green belt. All production companies interested in filming in Sant Boi will receive full support, assistance, information and advice from the local authority, which has appointed an official specifically to handle all such formalities, enabling film companies to complete their arrangements through one single office.

Filming request contact

Esther Dalmau

Ajuntament de Sant Boi de Llobregat
+34 93 652 98 30
+34 93 630 40 80


C/ Pau Clarís, 14

08830 Sant Boi de Llobregat
Sant Boi de Llobregat

Locations in this town