The county of Osona has the resources to meet the organisational needs of any shooting in a welcoming and discreet setting. Furthermore, it enjoys a strategic geographical position, located approximately one hour from the cities of Barcelona and Girona, and from the Pyrenees and the Costa Brava.
Osona Turisme is committed to sustainable management as the central value of tourism management in the region, establishing the concept of sustainable development as an instrument that links socio-cultural, environmental and economic aspects, thus seeking both the satisfaction of visitors and the local community.
With a wide variety of offerings in the environs typical for inland territories, Osona includes a rich diversity of historic resources dating back to prehistoric times, with significant traces of Romanesque style deeply rooted in the region. Literary and industrial tourism is also important in the region. The landscape and territory of Osona are also suitable for outdoor activities and a wide range of markets and fairs, festivals and traditions contribute, along with the food, to changing the possibilities of turning Osona into an unforgettable experience.
Adhered towns:
Balenyà, Les Masies de Roda, L'Esquirol, Seva, Taradell, Tavèrnoles, Tona, Vidrà.
Other towns:
Calldetenes, Centelles, El Brull, Espinelves, Folgueroles, Gurb, Les Masies de Voltregà, Malla, Montesquiu, Muntanyola, Orís, Roda de Ter, Rupit i Pruit, Sant Hipòlit de Voltregà, Sant Julià de Vilatorta, Sant Martí de Centelles, Sant Pere de Torelló, Sant Quirze de Besora, Sant Sadurní d'Osormort, Sant Vicenç de Torelló, Santa Cecília de Voltregà, Santa Eugènia de Berga, Santa Eulàlia de Riuprimer, Sora, Tavertet, Torelló, Vic, Viladrau, Vilanova de Sau.