Lying just 30 kilometres from Barcelona, Granollers enjoys a superb geographic location and excellent communications with France and the inland counties of Catalonia, and is an important economic and industrial hub. Granollers is frequently used for film shoots of all kinds: feature films, TV series, music videos, commercials, etc. The most popular local film location is the old Roca Umbert factory, currently undergoing work to turn it into the future Arts Factory, or Fàbrica de les Arts. The site still conserves its original early-20th-century industrial units and streets in their original state, making it an ideal location for a wide range of film shooting purposes. A particularly interesting location on this site is La Tèrmica, a building full of old industrial boilers, turbines, engines, condensers and pipes, all in good state. Granollers also offers many other outstanding sites, such as La Porxada, a historic market building, and other features in both the medieval and modern towns. Those interested in filming in Granollers should fill in the application form, which can be downloaded from the website and return it to .
Hector Anoro
C/ Prat de la Riba, 77