Filming in Barcelona during the new normality


New measures to apply for filming in the city

Below, you will find expanded information on the new measures that the Barcelona City Council will require from producers when processing their permits to shoot in public space and/or municipal facilities.

Some of the municipal facilities may have, in addition to these, other restrictions depending on the characteristics of the space. We recommend that you consult in each case.





1. Filming will have a maximum of 20 professionals as a technical team occupying the public space and/or municipal equipment.

2. The producers or production company must present the following essential documentation to obtain authorizations:

  • Shooting prevention, safety, and health plan adapted to your locations. This must include, specifically, the list of personnel who will not be able to apply security measures due to the requirement of the script or any other cause. In this case, it will be necessary to specify either the type of special measures or to state the impossibility.


  • Responsible statement from the producer that:
    • All the staff working on the shoot have received the information and training on the products, PPE, and regulatory protocols necessary to avoid contagion.
    • The Prevention Plan that they will present will fulfill the security and prevention conditions described in Chapter X on productions and filming of audiovisual works published in BOE no. 130 of May 9, 2020 (you can check it here).

NOTE: This documentation can be provided at the time of requesting the permit or during its processing.

3. Barcelona City Council reserves the right to cancellation according to the evolution of the pandemic.


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