Mil·leni Park

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Updated: 09/20/2019

Av. de Les Bòbiles, 1
08850 Gavà



Susana Lecha / Cecilia Catalán
Premsa i Comunicació
+34 932 639 115 / +34 932 639 113 /

Park of 10 hectares with roads, spaces for sports and playground. The carob trees and a white pine forest coexist, along with oak feet associated with the riverside community of the rivers that cross the park.

It is chaired by the Ésser del Mil·leni, a 15-meter-high iron human figure that was part of the show presented by La Fura dels Baus to celebrate the millennium change and that the theater company ceded shortly after to the City Hall of Gavà.

It also has an outdoor auditorium surrounded by trees that receives the name of a Gavà musician and composer, Marc Grau (1955-1999).