Can Salvador de la Plaça Library

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Updated: 02/11/2019

Plaça de l'Ajuntament, 31
08370 Calella



Ferran Muñoz

Responsable de Calella Film Office

93 766 30 30 ext. 404

The Can Salvador de la Plaça Library is located on the “plaça de l’Ajuntament”. It is part of the Catalonia Public Libraries Network and is a cultural and knowledge-wise municipal public service open to everyone. The current library was inaugurated in 2006, although the Salvador house is reliably recorded since the 15th Century. The building has a total area of 909m2 arranged in three floors in which ludic knowledge-wise activities took place throughout the year. The timetable is: 10h00-13h00 from Thursday to Friday, 16h00-20h30 from Monday to Friday and 10h00-13h00 on Saturday.