The Visioning Solutions S.L

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C/ Balmes, 188 pal 1
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Phone numbers: 
697 893 333

Visioning, is a consulting company specialized in business strategy. VISIONING is a national and international benchmark firm specialized in business strategy. More than 15 years working on efficiency and the improvement of competitiveness and business management. From our offices in the center of Barcelona we coordinate business consulting services, with an innovative and dynamic team our goal is to provide solutions to our clients that generate greater value. We have a team of consultants, lawyers and economists, who do a great job offering a personalized and quality service. We provide differential value by working on a day-to-day basis and not only from the theoretical part, in the implementation of the client's strategy. We offer an "on-site" accompaniment with the client. Companies must continuously adapt to remain competitive, we advise our clients with our strategic consulting to help them improve their business. The areas where our value and services proposal operates are, business strategy, commercial area, marketing area, strategy and analysis of processes and operations and criminal compliance. This comprehensive model of services that we offer at VISIONING, aims to provide 360º advice . We carry out rigorous work in the areas of: corporate strategy, innovation area, economic area, commercial and marketing area, management and operations and legal-compliance. Providing knowledge and extensive professional experience in the expansion, internationalization and restructuring of companies.