Leading the drone sector in film and advertising is not an easy task. More than 12 years of experience in the sector and 500 projects back us up. With offices in Barcelona, Madrid, Lisbon and Palma de Mallorca, we offer audiovisual and technological consulting solutions based on the development and application of professional drones. Our drones are able to fly with most film cameras (Alexa Mini, Red, Sony F55, etc), without giving up the speed and versatility that is required in a professional shooting. However, we do not limit ourselves to this technology, offering too camera car, cablecam, movi, 360º services and virtual reality. Works carried out in more than 17 countries, technicians with extensive experience in the field and a clear commitment to R+D help us to always be one step ahead in the development and execution of drone technology. We have permits to carry out work in Spain, Portugal, France and Italy.