Alella - Maresme Film Commission

Alella is a small town just 15 kilometres to the north of Barcelona with a long history linked to the world of wine. The town is surrounded by nature, enveloped in peace and quiet, its geography and landscape strongly marked by its winemaking traditions. The old town, which lies between two rivers, the Coma Fosca and the Coma Clara, was shaped by 19th-century town planning practice, although a street going back as far as the 17th century is also conserved. In the 19th century, wealthy families began to build their summer residences here, attracted by the township's proximity to Barcelona, peacefulness and admirable landscapes.

That is why, besides the traditional family homes and farmhouses typical of rural farming communities, we also find in and around Alella several noble mansions, altered in the 19th century according to the Modernista, historicist and eclectic styles. Thanks to its rich experience of film shoots in the township, Alella Local Authority can provide producers with the highest quality service. The audiovisual works made here include Pedro Almodóvar's feature film 'Bad Education' (2004), Joel Joan's 'Excuses!' (2003), and the TV3 series 'Mar de fons' (2006). 

Filming request contact

Albert Roca / Txell Noè

Maresme Film Commission

+34 620 74 34 12 / +34 657 08 39 50 



08328 Alella
Alella - Cal Lleonart