The laws of thermodynamics will open the Málaga Festival


Director and screenwriter Mateo Gil will present the film at the Miami Festival

The film, produced by Zeta Cine and Atresmedia Cine, will inaugurate the prestigious Malaga festival on the 13th of April and will be released in Spain on the 20th of this month, but before it will premiere worldwide on 18th of March at the Miami festival. The film was shot in Barcelona for seven weeks in locations such as the University of Barcelona, Mossèn Verdaguer Gardens, Carles I Park, Ciutadella Park, Horta Labyrinth Park, Somorrostro Beach and in various streets and squares of Ciutat Vella like Mercè Square or Paseo Picasso.

The laws of thermodynamics is a romantic comedy that tells the story of Manel (Vito Sanz), a promising physicist who wants to show how his relationship with Elena (Berta Vázquez), a famous model and future actress, has been a disaster not because of his, but because it was determined from the beginning by the laws of physics. The cast is completed with Chino Darín, Vicky Luengo, Juan Betancourt, Andrea Ros, Irene Escolar and Josep Maria Pou.

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