Tourist office (Lero Fishing Shack)

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Updated: 03/11/2016

Passeig Darder. Pesquera nº10
17820 Banyoles



Albert Cicres i Bosch

Medi ambient - Ajuntament de Banyoles

+34 972 57 00 50

Horari de contacte: Dilluns a divendres de 8 a 15 hores

One of the singularities of Banyoles are their pesqueres, 20 little buildings around the Banyoles Lake originally used as a fishing shacks, although some of them have capacity for one or two boats and can be even used as little residences. 

This is a pesquera of a rectangular floor, build on the ride. Had been used for the sport practice, as pier for pleasure boats, souvenirs shop and fishes exhibition.

Nowadays is the Tourist Office of the pond. It have been recovered some of the decorative elements that had in its origins, like the roundabout roof.